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A Religious Piece

I thought I drifted way too far.

But now I realize, it wasn't You that inflicted all these scars.

You don't want us to drown down farther.

So You drown with us, swallowing the same water.


Whether it be a pinch or a shatter, You wince too.

Because You made us a temple: An image of You.

Stronger than our human cravings for anything,

You wanted children. Out of all things.


You are not the creator of all things evil.

You innocently wanted us for a beautiful upheaval.

And we betray You, hate You, worship ourselves.

We let Your name and Your love collect dust on our shelves. 


You are blamed for the loss and sorrows throughout.

As we fail to remember the gifts You've brought about.

I live my life, forgetting who gave it to me-

Forgetting that You're the only thing that will set me free.


Yet You respond to that with the grace of a mother: You refuse to leave.

Why would I ever forget to believe?